Khanye’s production sets the bar higher
Dawid Venter, Khanye Colliery Mine Manager
Khanye Colliery achieved brilliant outcomes in 2023, with 267 062 tonnes Run-of-Mine (RoM) coal produced in August. This is 25 047 tonnes more than the record set in the previous year. Mine Manager Dawid Venter attributes this to great leadership in the different departments, including engineering, health and safety, and mining among others. “The success of our production can be attributed to planning, operational excellence, and the dedication of our exceptional team. Strategic foresight guided us in navigating challenges,” says Dawid.
The processing plant also performed close to target, with a monthly average of almost 200 000 tonnes per month in the second half of the year. The monthly mining average was 211 774 tonnes RoM with August being the highest. Dawid says the aim is to maintain the mine’s good performance, adding that Khanye will also continue to focus on its environmental and rehabilitation projects while promoting a safe working environment. The mine also performed well in safety, reaching 2167 fatality free days. “Our team's commitment to safety and sustainability has been instrumental in achieving and surpassing production targets. I am confident that our success will keep growing from strength to strength,” Dawid concludes.
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